Tuesday, June 11, 2013

PS4 Games to Include Indie and Mainstream Releases, 20 Exclusives - Mashable

What's This?

By Chelsea Stark2013-06-11 06:59:49 UTC

PlayStation 4 is set to come out swinging with a wide variety of games that will include mainstream and indie titles alike.

Shu Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, said the company already has 20 exclusive games lined up for PS4 in the first year of its launch. Sony spent much of the presentation highlighting all of them, which we describe, below.

The Order

This brand new title by Santa Monica Studio, creator of God of War, features a mix of high and low technology. At first, we saw horses and buggies in The Order, but then got a glimpse of some high-tech weaponry, as onscreen soldiers are attacked by an unseen force.

Final Fantasy XV

Square Enix showed off an incredibly realistic trailer for the Final Fantasy series' next chapter; it featured cinematic sequences and dramatic action.

Kingdom Hearts 3

Square Enix's other announcement of the highly anticipated Kingdom Hearts 3 got the crowd at E3 cheering. While the game's trailer was only a teaser, we saw glimpses of the protaganist and the popular Disney characters he teams up with.


Bungie's massive online first-person shooter has been teased for months. Destiny promises a whole new universe dreamed up by Bungie's creative writers, and we saw the first in-engine gameplay demo on Monday night. It looked impressive, and included different ways to solve problems, as well as a variety of weapons.

Mad Max: The Road Warrior

We saw a teaser for a game based on the 1979 post-apocalyptic film that inspired so many works of fiction. It was unclear from the trailer, however, what type of game Mad Max will be.

Assassin's Creed: Black Flag

Sony showed off a long gameplay demo of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag in which we see Edward Keller as a pirate sneaking through the jungle, fighting foes and then piloting and boarding a ship.

Watch Dogs

This Ubisoft title was announced last year to great excitement at E3, and it was a big hit with the crowd this year. We saw protagonist Adrian Pierce hack his way across Chicago, while attempting to evade police through city streets. The game will be available for both PS3 and PS4.

Indies, Indies, Indies

During its presentation, Sony emphasized the number of indie titles that will be coming to PS4 upon its release. The company highlighted games from Bastion creator Supergiant Games, whose new title, Transistor, will make its console debut on PS4.

Sony also mentioned horror games Outlast, Don't Starve and Ray's the Dead.

Which PS4 game from Sony's E3 press conference do you most anticipate? Share your favorites in the comments.

Image by Mashable, Chelsea Stark

Topics: e3 2013, Entertainment, Gaming, sony. playstation 4

Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGSt5ukdPcKzScWWzPGlP36GxX1-A&url=http://mashable.com/2013/06/11/ps4-games/

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